Jamestown Church

Jamestown Church:
A Place of Restoration

In order to be a part of His end-time army, God has impressed on us that we must continually deal with issues and break bondages so we can be like His son, (Romans 8.29) resulting in spiritual maturity and restoration to our place of authority in the kingdom. (Colossians 1.28)

Only by humbly coming before the Lord and allowing him to touch us can we fulfill His purposes and plans for our lives, aligned with God’s government.

As God sharpens spiritual perceptions, He will share strategies and equip us to pursue His assignment for maximum eternal impact.

Join us Sunday for life-changing teaching and let the transformational healing begin.



Training to
Prepare the troops for
advancement of the end-Time  army

Training at Jamestown Church is an organized activity aimed at increasing our capacity to hear God’s instructions.

By utilizing strategies received from Him, our spiritual perceptions will be sharpened so we can pursue His assignments for maximum eternal impact.

We will also have the skills to engage the enemy with confidence and competence as we move forward into what God has for us.


TNT Classes

Targeted, Narrowed Training (TNT) classes are held Sunday mornings from 9-9:40. Join us as we go deeper into Biblical truth instruction for everyday life